Russian social media influences in America
More information is gradually being uncovered about Putin's role in the 2016 American election. There have been huge allegations regarding the collusion between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin in the presidential election, but with the surfacing of new reports we are realizing that this collusion was rather extensive.

A report put out by Oxford University reveals that Russian social media techs infiltrated American social media platforms in order to deter certain demographics from participating in the presidential election. The new knowledge report states in particular black millenials were targeted. The Russians were motivated to suppress Democratic turnout, thus ceeding the elections over to President Trump. 
Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram were the main sites found to be hiding these huge Russian influences according to the Senate Intelligence Committee. 

Many calculated that Russia's role was consequential in a Trump victory, but it was always difficult to truly calculate the scope of Russian involvement. This definitely illustrates the prevalence of social media in even the biggest political decisions. Media can pose as a detriment to campaigns, or as the biggest positive factor towards success. Huge political campaigns use media as a way to reach a large audience and rally support. However campaigns over media or propaganda surrounding a campaign can disrupt the democratic process or suppress an entire group from participating. 

It's most important to recognize the influence media has on our decision making. Because there are so many messages/propaganda out there it's important to still stay independent of those ideas that are bombarding us.


  1. I think this truly demonstrates the importance of a free and untainted media. Since we are all being constantly influenced or impacted by the media, it is paramount that we keep the media away from the wrong hands. If we let the media become over regulated or controlled by a third party, we will all become vulnerable and easily manipulated, whether we know it or not.


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