"The Truman Show" and Guerilla advertising
In "The Persuaders" a topic that was widely acknowledged was Guerilla advertising. Guerilla fighting in the context of war is surprise attacks. In advertising it allows a product to extend beyond just the conventional form of commercial advertising. The success of guerilla advertising results in the prevalence of it within tv shows, or our favorite movies.
The main character picks up a refreshing Coke after heroically fending off the [insert villain]. When this technique was mentioned in The Persuaders I immediately thought of the movie called "The Truman show".
The Truman Show is a movie based around the main character Truman. Truman seems like an average guy who proceeds with his regular anti-climactic life. However what Truman fails to realize is that his life is the basis of the most popular TV show out there.  He is being filmed 24/7 as he is living in a simulation of a real town. He is unaware that everyone around him, his friends, coworkers, and family are merely apart of this simulation and are cast in a role. It's a never ending show about Truman's life which also means no commercial breaks.
 The creators of the Truman show had to creatively work in commercials, while also organically portraying the story of this man. This meant making Truman use certain products, or forcing him to stand in front of billboards.
The ads within the movie were put their for obvious comedic effect, they made this advertising so blatantly obvious to the audience. However, it was also a comment on how these ads are ingrained in our lives. Truman didn't know that this advertising was going on right in front of him. The world was set up around him, and he can proceed oblivious to the fact that he was just bombarded with advertising or was in this simulation.
Though it's a stretch to compare our reality with the simulation Truman was in, often times we let others shape the ways in which we proceed in the world. We are, like Truman oblivious to the instrumental role advertising plays in our subconscious thinking behind a product.


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