
Through these posts I realized that I consume a lot of media whether it be on my phone, in the form of news or on tv. I knew before how much it all affects me but not the extent of it. Because media constantly surrounds me, I have found that I often fall into this pattern of mindless consumption. For example being on my phone instead of doing homework. Media is so accessible, entertaining and easy to use which is why I consume so much of it.
Now that I am more aware of this relationship I am able to recognize when I am too reliant on it or to trusting. In commercials I search for the key words and understand how a company is now selling a certain experience or feeling to the viewer. Using habits of critical thinker like metacognition I can more effectively understand how media distorts products and reality. I think to dismantle the facade which is being sold to the audience you have to be proactive in listening which is something I have gotten better at. 
Upon writing about media every week, I have more carefully considered how I am contributing to the culture and behavior surrounding it. I now spend less time on my phone, and I also get my news coverage from more than one outlet. I want to diversify my views and understand that there is not complete truth in what is being presented to me through media, and that ultimately I must conclude my own opinions. 
I don't think I ever fully grasped the implications of media on my perception and overall habits. Gaining media literacy has meant that I can actively challenge or analyze the media thrown at me, whereas before I might have just accepted it to be truth. When media consumers are uneducated, we become fully susceptible to media. If we're uneducated consumers we simply accept what is thrown at us. We allow these forms of media to distort how we see the world or a product, the result is a society that is so detached from actuality. 
Through this journal I was able to see how my understanding of media progressed and changed. Gradually as time went on I was able to strengthen my analysis and write a post which was more than a superficial summary of a basic commercial. I also saw how the myriad of topics I chose to write about were incredibly widespread and diverse. No post or topic felt repetitive because I encounter so much on an everyday basis. 


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