Schumer, Pelosi and Trump conference
January 8, 2019

On December 11, 2018, Nancy Pelosi the Speaker of the House, and democratic Senator Chuck Schumer discussed border security with President Trump and VP Mike Pence in the oval office. The meeting between the two parties was supposed to be a civil and productive meeting to discuss the rapidly approaching date of the shutdown, yet didn't really accomplish the desired goal. Naturally, when 800,000 federal workers will be without pay, the public wants answers. Answers that have been evading the public, with calculated and well thought out responses, political officials can sidestep the truth or undercut the severity of the situation.
The rapidly approaching federal shutdown resulted in the conference in the oval office, where the huge media sources and press outlets were eager to here why a federal shutdown was about to be imposed over one man's unwavering demands. This conference was ultimately about distributing information to media outlets and press sources in order to "clear up the public's uncertainty." The meeting quickly devolved from a civil discussion about national security into a shouting match over the wall, it's funding, and ramifications. These arguments were caught on tape by the press and were within the hour published onto huge news sources.
In this information the general public can conclude that major political officials are more divided than ever in this uncertain political climate. The entire videotaped conversation also clearly illustrated how adamant President Trump is in his plan for the 15 billion-dollar wall, and that a bipartisan agreement in the context of border security is pretty far out of the question. Media sources proved very sufficient in providing information we could have never received from the officials themselves.
 We can now, independently make our own conclusions about the state of this situation.
This fighting match was free of press-conference formalities where officials are looking to maintain political correctness. This was the real, untampered footage of events and discussions happening between our leaders.
Mass media platforms, and news sources shared consequential information to the public after our leaders failed to effectively do so. All throughout the conference both Trump and Pelosi said that they wanted to move this meeting behind closed doors thus, away from the press. Our leaders have consistently failed in presenting the public with a true and unbiased reading of a situation. Even now when 800,000 federal workers are without pay and a multi-billion dollar border could be erected, yet still we have to rely on the media for the information that we should naturally be afforded.


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