Women in politics: MissRepresentation

A main topic that the documentary highlighted on was the misrepresentation of women in politics by the media. The political sphere is largely dominated by white men, meaning that the few women in politics are already struggling to stay respected and relevant in the political world. Then they're further subjected to degradation and criticism by major media outlets.
In the movie, they presented multiple examples where the critical eye of the media was able to look closely at how long the women's hair is or how she dresses rather than the contributions that she makes to her industry. These impossible standards are set for women to comply to, in order to avoid negative attention.  Women must be feminine enough to be respected, but not too feminine or they'll be incapable.
This immense criticism has been increasing in severity as women are gradually being introduced into the male dominated world of policy making. This inherent sexism being constantly presented in the media resonates with the public and reaffirms their already preconceived beliefs about women's incapability. These impossible standards have been set to satisfy an American society which has never respected nor wanted women in positions of power. The media is consequential in this domino effect. If seemingly credible media outlets comment on the length of Hillary Clinton's skirt, it is sending a message to the audience that this type of scrutiny should be accepted or normalized, which is wrong.
When this mass misrepresentation of women in politics occur it deters young women from further infiltrating any type of male dominated field whether it be the stem industries or in politics. It's not a fun world for women in those fields because they're held to impossible standards, while also trying to alter the way the American public views traditional careers held by women. 
I think that the documentary was proficient in illustrating that the gradual progress being made in these industries by women has forever been disregarded by people who are set on perpetuating their sexist perspectives.


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